Sunday, July 24, 2016

From Face Book to Blogging Site

Face Book isn't a blog.  I mean, I've been using it as such but it's really where the "every day people" gather - not the mourners or those experiencing severe grief.  Face Book consists of political posts and first world problem gripes but, if you're like me, you just scroll past all that stuff until you get to a video showing puppies playing or goats jumping (goat videos are the best)!  And, I never tire of seeing my friends' vacation pictures or selfies from those I care about.  It's a quirky place, though, and everyone has an opinion about how it should be used.  Some folks never post anything because they're not "public people".  And, those same people think that pretty much everything should be kept off Face Book; those folks just wish Face Book didn't exist, I think, yet they're on it anyway judging all the "too-public" posts from those on their friends list!  Others have promoted themselves to the Face Book Police where they feel it's their job to correct everything about everyone's posts whether it's the number of times someone is posting, the general attitude of the poster, or their grammar - that's a biggie.  I've never seen the asterisk get so much attention! *you're.  *their.  *too.  Then there are those who never stop posting. Ever.

Actually, I fall into that last category.  I grew up as an only child so to have 1000 friends I can talk to at any given time?  I'm in!  But, lately I've been using Face Book as a blog.  Why?  Oh, because it has, in part, kept me alive.  I'll explain:

Writing has always been therapeutic for me.  If I'm having a bad day, I write.  If I'm having a good day, I write.  Though my sentence structure might be horrible and I love commas probably a bit too much, I still love to write.  So, when my boyfriend committed suicide on June 23, 2016, I took to Face Book immediately.  I don't do bottled up emotion very well.  The quicker I pour out my feelings, the easier I can acknowledge them, deal with them and let them dissipate.  I hear other people tell me all the time "I just go within; I'm more private".  I think the majority of people are that way.  In fact, I wish I was that way.  I've been told by a few good friends that I need to be "less public" with my life because it just gives people something to talk about.  Really?  They don't talk anyway?  Pfft!

I need to write.  I figured I'd come here, to perhaps a more conducive space to write rather than continue foaming at the mouth on Face Book.  But, I'm grateful for the friends who have read my posts, commented in support and prayed for me.  Without them, I don't think I'd be here today.

And, in my darkest hours, when I didn't have the energy to write, I prayed and it also kept me alive.   It's when we're most vulnerable that we can become prey.  I am shattered.  I am broken.  I am grief-stricken.  But, I am not prey.  

Matthew 26:41-42 ~ "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak".  He went away a second time and prayed, “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.”

So, this is it. My new home where my next few posts will start from the beginning and will take my readers, of which I have none, on a journey from then until today (a month and a day later) and beyond.  I am grateful to have a place to settle down.  Home is where the blog is.


  1. I'm so happy to be a blog reader...and as your first commenter, I should get a prize or something!?!? LOL! Love to you Lisa and I know this will help your heart heal and you have NO idea how many people need to hear what you will pour out of your heart on here. your favorite shoemaker....

    1. You really should get a prize for being first! Thank you for the kind words. Love ya, Shoemaker!

  2. ❤️❤️❤️ Great first blog. You are definitely loved.

  3. This will be a great place for you to write and heal. You you will continue to have a great support system following you. I mourn for my dear friend that took his life and I find so much comfort reading your posts. Kenny left behind an 18 year old daughter that is struggling so terribly bad without her daddy. I told her to go to your page and read your posts and that she might find some comfort reading them and knowing that she is not alone out there. Continued prayers for you Lisa.

    1. Thank you, Joyce, Many prayers for the daughter who was left behind. It's so tough for those left to pick up the pieces. We can feel at peace that our loved one is at peace but that provides little consolation when we are in such grief over the loss. I believe time is our greatest healer.

  4. I'm following you......You are loved. Let it all out.

  5. You're #thebestbloggerintheworld

    1. Lol. Make sure you don't follow anyone else, ever, so I can maintain my first place status!

  6. I love this! Thank you for being real in a world full of fakes. Love you!

  7. I am so sorry you have reason to blog regarding the healing journey of a suicide survivor. My heart breaks for you. However, I'm so glad God crossed our paths in April 2015 so that now I can share your blog with other survivors! I love you and I'm praying for you.

    1. I'm so glad we met, too. I love you and thank you for the prayers!

  8. Write on Sister.. Love You :) Allen

  9. And so it begins... So much love and prayer for your journey. ❤️❤️❤️

  10. Love you, Lisa! This is much better than FB - less distracting - I would be off looking for goat videos already! Fainting Goats Rule!


  11. Love you, Lisa! This is much better than FB - less distracting - I would be off looking for goat videos already! Fainting Goats Rule!


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. A lesson in healing. There is no "right way", there is only the best way for you, and each individual. I love that you're doing this and I too am a "too public" person as well. I dig it.

  14. I think I subscribed correctly...following

  15. Lisa, writing is therapeutic and doing this on a blog is an excellent idea. Away from Facebook. My heart goes out to you and I admire your strength.
